What We Do

Eve’ Grace Scholastic Innovation MUST KNOW! Liberia and USA

“Today, this very moment , the next stories to be told are ones of OUR future, the children.  One thing is sure we do not want their stories to be as gruesome or traumatizing as some of ours, for some of us who can relate. We want them to be one of favorable memories. We want to be a part of a purpose that contributes to the continuation of a good story; the children may go through their own struggles and life lessons forming their own narratives, but why not allow their narratives to become a little different than ours WITH More MENTORs and sound knowledge, where mistakes has a lower percentage of being repeated. We must contribute positively to stability in their mentality, physically, spiritually, emotionally and educationally. Impacting a shift to the next generation.  Their question to society  is What are WE giving back to the FUTURE? “ - Rebekah Acquah

Fortunately for Eve’s Grace we are privileged to be among those contributing to a different and better story for our children and their future through a vision where God’s hands is upon. An Initiative which has  transformed into an INNOVATION. God had bigger plans than any of our minds could comprehend.

Our Vision

An innovative society that is stronger Educationally, capable of fervent Entrepreneurship, believes in Mentorship and cares for its Homeless citizens with Christ at the center.

Name of Organization:

Eve’s Grace Scholastic Innovation

Date Founded/Incorporated in Liberia:

September 1, 2018

Liberia Launch Program:

January 10, 2019

Date Incorporated in USA: April 22, 2024


  • Change Agent Network

  • Young Life Africa

  • The Anchor Holds LLC

To partner with Eve’s Grace please email us info.evesgrace.org

“Iron sharpens iron, and man sharpens another” – Proverbs 27:17”


4 Focus:





Foundations on which we believe


And Jesus replied to him, “ ‘YOU SHALL LOVE THE LORD YOUR GOD WITH ALL YOUR HEART, AND WITH ALL YOUR SOUL, AND WITH ALL YOUR MIND.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. The second is like it, ‘YOU SHALL LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOR AS YOURSELF [that is, unselfishly seek the best or higher good for others]..” – Mathew 22:37-40”


You want to be FIRST you must serve others without murmuring. Even Jesus Christ came not to be served but to serve others and gave HIS life as a ransom.” – Mark 10:42”



If anyone causes one of these little ones—those who believe in me—to stumble, it would be better for them if a large millstone were hung around their neck and they were thrown into the sea.

-Do not cause little ones who trust in JESUS Christ to fall into sin. You might as well be dead for doing so.
.” – Mark 9:42”

USA 501C3 Launch program:

Friday August 2nd, 2024

“Be imitators of me, as I am of Christ” – 1 Corinthians 11:1 ”

Mentorship: (Liberia and USA)

  • Local Student mentors for each of Change Agent Network Schools Located in Liberia, West Africa

  • Mentoring K -9th grade

  • Connect African Young Change makers with Mentors Across Africa and USA

Education (Liberia)

By means of Education, Scholarships, Sponsorships and access to student mentors.

  • K-1 to 8th grade Change Agent Network and EGSI students only on Scholarships/Sponsorships

  • 9 to 12th grade High School Essay Competition…….Third Year coming up!!

  • Local & International guidance Program & Tutoring Program

  • Local Student mentors for each of Change Agent Network Schools

Entrepreneurship: (Liberia )

  • Taxi Service

  • Printing Press

  • PA system service

  • Career builder

  • Loan Program for the elderly in partnership with CAN and International organizations


Serving Homeless people (Liberia and USA), Contributing to lives, strengthening the communities of people without homes.

The Pink Shed.. 6 months live in program

Individual (s) who are without homes, have lost their shelters and are on the streets will receive the opportunity through a randomized lottery (pick a name out of hat). After being chosen will reside in the pink shed for 6 months, receiving services that will enable them to get on their feet prior to the end of 6 months:

  • All potential individuals without home must present a background check (BRC) to the Organization

  • shelter for up to 6 months

  • Meals provided

  • Job application and resume building assistance

  • Housing application assistance

  • Driver’s license assistance

  • Opening of bank account

  • Teaching of self care

-$100.00 Gift card allowance by-weekly specific to a cause the applicant wants to give back to.

**Individuals who are chosen will be encourage to commit to attending local church service on Sundays with the host family or a partner organization associated with the host family**