
Here's just a small sampling of the Programs and Projects held since 2018 - 2024

Education -Mentorship - Entrepreneurship -Homelessness

Educational Scholastic Essay Competiton


  9th to 12th grade High School Essay Competition……. Third Year coming up!! 

Participating in 20+ Schools around the country, Liberia, West Africa





General Testimonials & Success Stories:

My name is Daniel Dennis, and I'm from Liberia. My transformative journey with Eve's Grace Scholastic Innovations began in 2019, when Mrs. Acquah visited Liberia through the Change Agent Network. Her visit left a lasting impression on everyone she met, inspiring many with her dedication and vision.

Guided by faith and her unwavering commitment, Mrs. Acquah, through Eve's Grace Scholastic Innovations, made it possible for me to afford my college education. I proudly graduated from one of the most esteemed colleges in Liberia. This achievement set the stage for another milestone: I became the first Liberian ever selected by the U.S. Department of State for the prestigious Community Engagement Exchange Program in the USA.

My name is Isaac M. Supu, a young Liberia desiring to see a new Liberia where every single child can have access to equality education. Since I had the opportunity to work with Eve Grace Scholastic Innovation (EGSI), it has been a remarkable journey collaborating with Mrs. Acquah to impact the lives of children and youth in Liberia. When I first met Mrs. Acquah in 2019 during her visit to Liberia, just a year after I graduated from one of the Change Agent Network.

That same year, I joined EGSI as the Co-Country Director, and together, we organized several programs, including the National Essay Competition. Working with EGSI helped me build professional relationships and broaden my perspective. Most importantly, it strengthened my divine connection with God. Mr. John Acquah, a board member, served as my mentor. In one of our conversations, he encouraged me, saying, "Isaac, keep doing what you do, and it will take you to places."

In 2020, I had the opportunity to travel to Kigali, Rwanda, to study Human Resource Management. Today, I am grateful for the chance to travel to Tanzania, Kenya, Ethiopia, and South Africa, attending youth-led events and applying the knowledge I gained while working with EGSI to impact others. Representing Liberia amicably, I have always remembered the importance of knowing that God is involved in everything I do.My journey has been shaped by the support of generous institutions and individuals like Eve Grace Scholastic Innovation and Mr. and Mrs. Acquah. Everything that has happened in my life is a testament to God's work through these remarkable people and organizations.

Quizzing Competition at Local Schools

Beneficiaries of Essay Competition:

Testimonials & Success Stories:

Sumoyea Ballah 2019 Winner

My name is Sumoyea. Through GOD and his Grace upon Mrs. Rebekah Acquah,

I am now studying Physician Assistant at Cuttington University, On a full scholarship through Eve’s Grace Scholastic Innovation. It takes only the Grace of God to see myself in this Noble Institution today. I look forward to graduating in June 2024.

I am also encouraged to help others and give back the knowledge I have gained through being a part of the EGSI essay competition. It is important to give selflessly and not withhold selfishly.

 Please remember this: Mark 10:27 And Jesus look upon them and saith, with men it is impossible, but not with God; for with God all things are possible.

God is involved. Thank you

Darlington 2019 2nd Place

Faith Sewor 2020 Winner

In the year 2018-2020 Eve’s Grace have sponsor 150 kids in their education , due to lack of funding this number has decrease drastically . We need your help to continue this great cause for the future of the children, our future , our community.

Mentorship Programs

Iron sharpens iron, and man sharpens another” – Proverbs 27:17

●     Local Student mentors for each of Change Agent Network Schools in each county

●     Mentoring K -9th grade

●     Connecting African Young Change makers with Mentors Across Africa and USA

100+ LIVES IMPACTED through our Mentorship training program

Homelessness: The “Pink” Shed Live in Program

Serving other without Homes : (Liberia and USA), Contributing to lives, strengthening the communities of people without homes. 

THE Pink SHED.. 6 month live in program 

Individual (s) who are without homes, have lost their shelters and are on the streets will receive the opportunity through a randomized need based process. After being chosen will reside in the pink shed for 6 months, receiving services that will enable them to get on their feet prior to the end of 6 months:

  • All potential individuals without home must present a background check (BRC) to the Organization

  • shelter for up to 6 months

  • Meals provided 

  • Job application and resume building assistance

  • Housing application assistance

  • Driver’s license assistance

  • Opening of bank account

  • Teaching of self care

-$100.00 Gift card allowance by-weekly specific to a cause the applicant wants to give back to.

**Individuals who are chosen will be encourage to commit to going to church every Sunday with the host family or a partner organization associated with the host family**


Empowering others through the workings of their hearts, minds and hands


  • Taxi Service 

  • Printing Press 

  • PA system service 

  • Career builder

  • Loan Program for the elderly in Partnership with CAN

Eve’s Grace Scholastic Innovation

Change Agent Network

Young Life Africa-Liberia

Eve’s Grace Scholastic Innovation , Change Agent Network and Young Life Africa- Liberia team have partnered together to ensure that Young people receives the gospel and an Education. You can help in two ways:

  1. Sponsor a student to attend a Life Changing Young Life weekend Camp

  2. Sponsor a Student’s to receive a fulfilling Education that will impact their life.

Eve's Grace Scholastic Innovation: God is Involve

Eve's Grace Scholastic Innovation: God is Involve

Thank you for visiting our website ; we honor your time



Projected opening : School year 2024 -2025